Sell Your House Fast Using Estate Agents

Sell Your House Fast Using Estate Agents

How You Can Sell Your House Fast

Has your house been on the open market with an estate agent and not sold as quickly as you would have hoped? If so, UPSTIX can help. We are a data-driven, iBuying solution, providing instant cash offers to homeowners wanting to sell their house fast.

How To Sell Your House Fast Via Estate Agents

Using unique technology to aggregate a cash offer, UPSTIX works with estate agents all over the UK to  get homeowners to an exchange of contracts in as little as 7 days. Or, with a date to suit your moving ambitions. This means, even if you are currently on the market with an estate agent, and would like to get your house sold quickly, we will provide you and your agent with an instant cash offer. This can be considered alongside other market interest and sellers can choose their best option.

UPSTIX makes speedy cash offers, with a guaranteed sale, so homeowners can proceed with their onward plans, with certainty. And this is a quicker alternative to selling a property at auction, which your estate agent might suggest for a speedy sale.

Is UPSTIX An Estate Agent?

UPSTIX is not an estate agent. We are an iBuying solution for homeowners, with fast, transparent cash offers. However, we appreciate the value that estate agents have in the home-moving experience and support their efforts when the traditional method of selling a property can’t meet required timescales. UPSTIX also works with estate agents to provide CHAINBREAK solutions, when a house chain has broken. As a result, we are fast-becoming a valuable resource for keeping the property market moving.

Why Do Estate Agents Trust UPSTIX To Sell Houses Fast?

UPSTIX was founded by professionals who have worked in the business of buying and selling property for many years. This experience, combined with developing respected, widely-utilised technology with billions of data points, means we understand the challenges of transacting in property. And we want to fix these by keeping homeowners on track and offering choice in the market. Since launching in December 2021, UPSTIX has purchased in excess of 100 properties. Totalling a value of over £25m. And importantly, we have a buying power of £250m+ (read more in The Times).

How Do I Start The Process Of A Fast House Sale With UPSTIX?

Are you are in a contract with an estate agent? Could UPSTIX be the right solution for you? Send us a direct enquiry and we will happily share more information with you and/or your agent.

If you are an estate agent, and would like support getting your client’s house sold, we can help. Quickly.

We keep the housing market moving.

Get your cash offer instantly with UPSTIX.

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Our aim is to simplify the process of selling your home by making it quick, certain and transparent.
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